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Wyświetlanie postów z 2009

Toggle Vibrate & Ring

Toggle VibraOrRing cab installation for WM 6.0: XDA Thread... c# how to toggle Vibra and Ring On ? simple... use this code :) using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace toggleVibrateSound { class Program { private enum SoundEvent { All = 0, RingLine1, RingLine2, KnownCallerLine1, RoamingLine1, RingVoip } private enum SoundType { On = 0, File = 1, Vibrate = 2, None = 3 } private struct SNDFILEINFO { [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 260)] public string szPathNameNative; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 260)] public string szDisplayNameNative; public SoundType SstType; } [DllImport("aygshell.dll",...

X Mapper 1.0 - Tool for mapping X Panel Button

I've made an application that allows simple mapping / binding exe files to X Panel Button (via editing registry file, SOFTWARE\\SonyEricsson\\PanelManager) I think that using my X Mapper is faster and easier then manual editing registry... Instruction: 1. if it's first time do Backup of registry entry and panelmanager.lnk in StartUp folder! a) (go to Menu->Backup->Save) b) (Menu->panelmanager.lnk->beckup before delete) 2. then we have to delete panelmanager.lnk from our StartUp folder (Menu->panelmanager.lnk->try to delete) 3. Choose one from available Events: - Run Program (allows to run program) - Run Program with Argument (allows to run any other application but with additional argument (uses my RWA app, see my signature) - Toggle WiFi (changes state of Wifi Adapter, uses external exe) - Toggle BT (changes state of BT Adapter, uses external exe) - Lock (devicelock.exe is executed) 4. if Run Program / Run Program with Argument is selected then press: "C...

Send WinKey - Open Start Menu...

Send WinKey is tiny application that is emulating click of Windows Key... * You can use it while binding / mapping your hardware keys (ex Xperia, Touch Pro etc.) when You need the "fast" opening of Start menu (not touching screen but pressing the button...) Cab Installation XDA-Developers Thread *(yesssss... I know that MortScript has got that kind of options... but ... not everybody needs to have mortscript installed... or not everybody wants to edit those lines of scripts/codes... etc) :) cheers...

RWA - Run With Argument - 1.0

RWA1.0 - Run With Argument small application that allows to run any other *.exe file with arguments...for some reasons it can be useful especially when working on HTC devices... - argument is saved in config file that has the same filename as rwa.exe file but with extension: *.txt (ex RWA.exe -> RWA.txt, AWR.exe -> AWR.txt, 123.exe->123.txt etc...) that function allows to have multi RWAs in system, without conflicts... - the config file is built as: \Windows\tmail.exe -t so the first line is absolute path to file, second line is argument that will be used when launching new process... - run RWA with any argument to enable logger (weird he ?? that application allows to run other applications with argument... and I want You to run it with arguments... heh... ;) only for education purpose... ) 12:45:39 _____________________NEW__ATTEMPT____________________ 12:45:39 The Log filename is: RWA1log.txt 12:45:39 Trying to open Registry 12:45:40 RWA filename: RWA1.exe 12:45:40 RWA ...

Xperia X1 Button Controller 1.1

I realised that Xperia X1 has great potential with hardware keys... I've already made small app for binding (mapping) X Panel Button ... but then I've noticed that Jonathan King from XDA-Developers already made sth like that few months ago - X1BC ... now it's in 1.1 version If You own Xperia X1 ... check that software: XDA Thread & Download cheers...

GDI + Custom Controls with Visual C Sharp 2005

A fast-paced example-driven tutorial to building custom controls using Visual C# 2005 Express Edition and .NET 2.0. If you want to build custom controls with C# but you don't know where to start, or you are intimidated by the huge amount of information that needs to be absorbed, then this book is for you. This friendly tutorial is based on numerous examples with real-world applicability, and includes a case study featuring the development of a fully functional PieChart control. Showing you how to use the free Visual C# 2005 Express Edition environment to develop your controls, Building Custom Controls with Visual C# 2005 will teach you how to create professional, reusable custom controls for your desktop applications in no time. This book has been written with the intermediate C# developer in mind. Assuming a working knowledge of C#, the book teaches you how to implement custom controls using Visual C# 2005 Express Edition and all other versions of Visual C#, and GDI+ with .NET 2.0...

Link Creator 1.4

Version 1.4 added: 1) Save as Manilla Softkey (Left and Right Softkey, and it works very well with arguments - so now creating link to for ex.TouchLockPro with additional LOCK argument is very easy...) 2) Create URL/Mail - now You can create mail or www.* link and put it to whatever you want place ;) - it uses default - signed to specified type system program (for browsing www and creating emails) fixed: 1) exception when file doesn't exist (in selecting File and clicking OK) - now if everything is allright OK button will be colored to Red otherwise you will be promped with msg. 2) installation problem with adding shortcut to Link Creator to the Start Menu\Programs - now it's fixed (on not WWE Roms for ex. Polish Roms there was problem with it) 3) in 1.3 version link additional argument was added under inverted commas (1#"\FOLDER\program.exe argument"), now it's fixed (added checkbox "argument outside inverted commas" for default it is checked... and now...

TAT - Nexus - User Interface for Windows Mobile

This product demo illustrates how the use of advanced features like LinkFlow and Drag&Drop can add to an intuitive and improved user experience - TAT Cascades powered with a range of new exciting ... imo: its awesome ! it's really new quality for windows mobile user interface... i think that first corporation that will produce high quality windows 6.5 based phone (sort of touch pro 2 but with better processor, and more ram/rom) and will include TAT's interface... will win the "game" for year 2009 ... imagine, very fast phone, WVGA display (800x480) (not laggy, not chunky/choppy, nice and pretty UI fully hardware accelerated), with wifi, bt, hsdpa... and qwerty... who wants more ?? ;)

Custom Scroll 1.0 - PPC Application for HTC

Hi All, I would like to present You a small and simple application called Custom Scroll. It gives You a chance to take the opportunity customizing scrolling behavior of HTCScroll Windows addon (which is used in File Explorer, MS Contacts, Programs, Settings... - everywhere where scrolls are used - and we are using fingers (flick gestures) to scroll... I've noticed that when I'm trying new ROM many times "scrolling feature" need to be modified by myself, so why don't we just make it quick and simple, with predefined checked and accepted values - even maybe "solutions" ? that's why I've made that application... I would like to ask You a favor... when You'll be testing Your own values and You'll notice that some of combinations are quite good, please post them 'here' - in this topic ... after testing I'll build them into program. Please take a look at the video, where I'm showing how does Custom Scroll works and how to operat...

Link Creator 1.3

Version 1.3 Changes: 1) changed "Select File to Link" explorer: short directory listing for better navigation 2) changed "Save in Selected Place" explorer: short directory listing, for better navigation 3) changed Menu style 4) added "Manage Links" - an explorer that gives you ability to find any link files (supoorted filters are: *.lnk, *.lnkbak, *.*) on your PPC and then you can rename, delete, or delete them (by changing it's extension (*.lnk -> *.lnkbak) ) 5) added fingerfriendly popup menu for "Manage Links" (-Close-) 6) added "Save as Key Mapping" - special in Windows direcotory filename creator, that gives You ability to map some Hardware Keys with your "files" (Long Press Send Button, Long Press Power Button, Short Press Power Button). There are two options for Save as Key Mapping: a) saving special filename, b) deleting special filename. XDA Thread - See #4 for download

Link Creator 1.1

Added: 1) file filtering: all files, exe, jpg, bmp, png, mp3, wav, avi, mp4, wmv, txt, pdf, doc 2) changed caption Select Exe to Select File :) 3) new Menu Options: - Save in Programs - Save in Start Menu - Save in StartUp - Save in Selected Place - Close 4) included System.Windows.Forms.dll for same openfiledialog on every .net platform... (I guess :) ) (thanks to Mieszko Zagańczyk from for testing and noticing problem with filtering and different open file dialog on his Touch HD) LINK TO XDA-DEVELOPERS.COM THREAD

Link Creator 1.0 - useful application for TouchFlo3D

Hi All I've made a simple application , that creates the link to any file/application and then puts that link to Windows\Start Menu\Programs or any other selected by You folder... I've noticed that when using TouchFlo3D, you can't just add to Program Tab just any link, any program, there is no browsing option, link has to be in Start Menu Folder. Making links with notepad or Word is not a easy / simple thing, that's why Link Creator was made ... to make life simpler :) here are some screen-shots... xda-developers thread link: LINK

tak było, tak jest i tak będzie...

... nie zmienimy natury... nie zawrócimy kijem Wisły... ludzie przychodzą aby chwile potem odejść... a więc... 1. REKLAMACJA 2. ODPOWIEDŹ NA REKLAMACJĘ 3. ODWOŁANIE OD ODPOWIEDZI NA REKLAMACJĘ 4. ODPOWIEDŹ NA ODWOŁANIE OD ODPOWIEDZI NA REKLAMACJĘ 5. SĄD tak było, tak jest, tak będzie...

Rock vs IPhone vs Touch HD

S2U2 1.50 !! :)

Changes of v1.50 ================ - added animated transitions. - added Password lock, set/change the password via S2U2 Settings. But please don't treat it as a highly secure system lock. However, if you want S2U2 locks quicker after soft-reset, replace the iLock2.lnk in \Windows\StartUp with S2U2.lnk (in \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\S2U2). - added option to ask to send a busy SMS after rejected an incoming call. The default content of the busy SMS is stored at lang.ini (make sure the lang.ini is saved in UNICODE format). - added option to hide S2P control & album cover even S2P is running. - added options (AppointmentLine & AlignAppointment) to change the format the Appointment info shown. - optionally to display the operator's logo. The logo filename must exactly match with the operator's name with PNG extension (e.g. orange.png); it must be placed under the folder GFX\Operator; For QVGA device, the logo has to be smaller than 16 pixels high; while for VGA,...