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Wyświetlanie postów z marzec, 2009

Link Creator 1.3

Version 1.3 Changes: 1) changed "Select File to Link" explorer: short directory listing for better navigation 2) changed "Save in Selected Place" explorer: short directory listing, for better navigation 3) changed Menu style 4) added "Manage Links" - an explorer that gives you ability to find any link files (supoorted filters are: *.lnk, *.lnkbak, *.*) on your PPC and then you can rename, delete, or delete them (by changing it's extension (*.lnk -> *.lnkbak) ) 5) added fingerfriendly popup menu for "Manage Links" (-Close-) 6) added "Save as Key Mapping" - special in Windows direcotory filename creator, that gives You ability to map some Hardware Keys with your "files" (Long Press Send Button, Long Press Power Button, Short Press Power Button). There are two options for Save as Key Mapping: a) saving special filename, b) deleting special filename. XDA Thread - See #4 for download

Link Creator 1.1

Added: 1) file filtering: all files, exe, jpg, bmp, png, mp3, wav, avi, mp4, wmv, txt, pdf, doc 2) changed caption Select Exe to Select File :) 3) new Menu Options: - Save in Programs - Save in Start Menu - Save in StartUp - Save in Selected Place - Close 4) included System.Windows.Forms.dll for same openfiledialog on every .net platform... (I guess :) ) (thanks to Mieszko Zagańczyk from for testing and noticing problem with filtering and different open file dialog on his Touch HD) LINK TO XDA-DEVELOPERS.COM THREAD

Link Creator 1.0 - useful application for TouchFlo3D

Hi All I've made a simple application , that creates the link to any file/application and then puts that link to Windows\Start Menu\Programs or any other selected by You folder... I've noticed that when using TouchFlo3D, you can't just add to Program Tab just any link, any program, there is no browsing option, link has to be in Start Menu Folder. Making links with notepad or Word is not a easy / simple thing, that's why Link Creator was made ... to make life simpler :) here are some screen-shots... xda-developers thread link: LINK

tak było, tak jest i tak będzie...

... nie zmienimy natury... nie zawrócimy kijem Wisły... ludzie przychodzą aby chwile potem odejść... a więc... 1. REKLAMACJA 2. ODPOWIEDŹ NA REKLAMACJĘ 3. ODWOŁANIE OD ODPOWIEDZI NA REKLAMACJĘ 4. ODPOWIEDŹ NA ODWOŁANIE OD ODPOWIEDZI NA REKLAMACJĘ 5. SĄD tak było, tak jest, tak będzie...