RWA1.0 - Run With Argument small application that allows to run any other *.exe file with arguments...for some reasons it can be useful especially when working on HTC devices... - argument is saved in config file that has the same filename as rwa.exe file but with extension: *.txt (ex RWA.exe -> RWA.txt, AWR.exe -> AWR.txt, 123.exe->123.txt etc...) that function allows to have multi RWAs in system, without conflicts... - the config file is built as: \Windows\tmail.exe -t so the first line is absolute path to file, second line is argument that will be used when launching new process... - run RWA with any argument to enable logger (weird he ?? that application allows to run other applications with argument... and I want You to run it with arguments... heh... ;) only for education purpose... ) 12:45:39 _____________________NEW__ATTEMPT____________________ 12:45:39 The Log filename is: RWA1log.txt 12:45:39 Trying to open Registry 12:45:40 RWA filename: RWA1.exe 12:45:40 RWA ...