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S2U2 1.50 !! :)

Changes of v1.50
- added animated transitions.
- added Password lock, set/change the password via S2U2 Settings.
But please don't treat it as a highly secure system lock.
However, if you want S2U2 locks quicker after soft-reset,
replace the iLock2.lnk in \Windows\StartUp with S2U2.lnk (in \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\S2U2).
- added option to ask to send a busy SMS after rejected an incoming call.
The default content of the busy SMS is stored at lang.ini (make sure the lang.ini is saved in UNICODE format).
- added option to hide S2P control & album cover even S2P is running.
- added options (AppointmentLine & AlignAppointment) to change the format the Appointment info shown.
- optionally to display the operator's logo.
The logo filename must exactly match with the operator's name with PNG extension (e.g. orange.png);
it must be placed under the folder GFX\Operator;
For QVGA device, the logo has to be smaller than 16 pixels high; while for VGA, it has to be smaller than 32 pixels high.
Since there are a lot of operators in the world, only a few samples are included in the installation.
To switch back to display operator in text, delete the Operator folder & restart iLock2.
- added optional Haptic Feedback, but it may not work on some devices.
- added a flight mode icon.
- added to show the caller number property when the system found it.
- added a second-hand to analog clock.
To turn it on, the clock folder must have cs0.png ~ cs14.png.
To turn it off, remove cs0.png ~ cs14.png from the clock folder.
- added a Diamond-style clock - "clockD", but no flipping animation).
Both new clock styles are included in the S2U2ClockPack.rar.
- removed options "BlankStart" & "SafeMode" which caused confusion & malfunction in the past.
- fixed the Home key lock of Touch Diamond/Pro/HD.
- fixed the occasional problem that under Power Save mode,
the device behaved weirdly when another program running in the background (again).
- "NoPowerSuspend" now works under Power Save mode as well.
But not sure will the power be saved anymore as they are conflicting each other.
- fixed the occasional problem that the system hang at the CallerID screen.
- added CallerID support to Turkish device.
- hide "Top Curtain" will also hide the topmost grey curtain.
- added an Excel file to descrip the detail settings of S2U2.
- some graphics changed.
- some minor bugs fixed.



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